Every Divine Service is the activity of God upon human beings and a work of human beings for God. In the Divine Service the congregation gathers to hear God’s word and receive blessing through the sacrament. Human beings worship God in reverence and humbleness.

Thus Divine Service is an encounter between God and man. In the worshipful serving of the believers and the perceptible presence of the triune God, the congregation experiences that God serves them in love.

The Divine Service of the New Apostolic Church is simple but dignified and sincere where the Gospel is preached by volunteer lay ministers inspired by the Holy Spirit. Celebrating Holy Communion (preceded by the proclamation of the forgiveness of sins) is an integral part of Divine Services.

Included also are special blessings on occasions such as confirmation, marriage and wedding anniversaries. All blessings and church ceremonies are performed free of charge.

Text Source: Catechism of the New Apostolic Church, Chapter 12.1 / 2008 Calendar of the New Apostolic Church India


A brief overview of the order of a Divine Service


About Special Blessings and the Sacraments


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